Blue Oasis
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huh? what lines? Islam condems prostitution and I think everyone who's posted on this topic agrees on that. either I've misunderstood you or you have the wrong idea on something.
Blue Oasis
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I found the Grudge very disturbing, it's one of those horror movies that Adults will find more scary than Kids, because the more you pick up on the hidden messages, the more nasty it is.
Sarah Micheal Geller who plays Buffy stars in it as the lead, but her performance was disapointing imao.
It's basically about a Japaneese tradition which states that if someone dies violently in a house, that house becomes haunted and anyone who comes inside will be killed (even if they leave the house, the bhoot i.e. who we nicknamed 'Grudge' will come after them.)
I didn't like the movie very much but some of friends enjoyed it.
Blue Oasis
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I can't wait for Tekken 5, I've seen all the trailers and it looks brilliant. I'm a Hworang and Jin player (proper player, as in know all the frames etc) but I'm dying to rty out Jinpachi
Blue Oasis
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hey i jus checked, its starts the same Joey from the FRIENDS, n i just checked the tv guide, it will come today on NBC at 7 pm, every Thursday on NBC at 7...yay i gotta new show to watch, looks awesome, Joey was the funniest in FRIENDS n hez gonna continue with being Joey...
yeah cool huh? something good for the fans. the moto of the show was something like "what do you do when your friends move and get married..." it just started airing in the UK too.
Blue Oasis
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Oh c'mon Xtreme no one's too old for Harry Potter - I'm 20 and I still like it. There's a charm to teen movies which adult movies lack, espicially English ones.
Oh yes, Hugh Grant is very talented, he gives points to British theater.
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
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lol try this link for your Gangsta CV
Your Inner Gangsta by crash_and_burn What is yo name? Jiya_ka_chand Yo gangsta name be Milk Choclate Nuggets You ride around in a Neon Pink H2 Hummer Yo gang The Yakuza Yo shoes be White high-top Air Force 1s Yo dubs be dis big, fool 2,159 How much money you got? $5.88097171786863e+26
Blue Oasis
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I think she will be good in RH3. Even if she's standing there looking pretty or waiting to be rescued - who knows she might even throw some kicks and punchs!
Jackie Chan movies are always the best, and Ash will give it a nice Asian flavour, just like she did in Bride
Blue Oasis
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TeenTracker said:
exactly jia is right for last 3-4 months i cant remember any dream in which i had seen my fiance
lol TeenTracker you don't think it's just because they are our fiancés do you? Commitment doesn't take the romance out of a relationship Oh gosh I'm sure not seeing them in our dreams is a unconscious mechanism of parda and 'sharmeeliness'
Blue Oasis
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So, iss baat par tu sabhi agree hain kay yeh at least burai tu hai, aur is ki kya kya soortain hain yeh bhi sabhi jantay hain, par masla tu is ka solution hai, aur western countries nay "solution" yeh nikala hai kay isay allow kar dia jaey (in brothels), so what do think about the countries where muslims are in majority? kia unhain bhi isi tarah allow kar dena chahiye? kia Islam humain is baat ki ijazat deta hai, koi kanoon hai aisa koi Islam main kay agar burai rukti nahi tu isay kuch area tak mehdood kar kay allow kar dya jaey? I need answer from all of you.
I think there is no one answer Zeeshan. The sad thing is that prostitution can not be stopped anymore than lying can stop. Laws can be made to make the trade illegal and of course it is haram, but how can you stop a women from going up to a man and selling her body, especially if that is done in privacy where the authorities won't know?
It's just like underage sex, it's illegal, but it happens a lot and very few are prosecuted, because hardly anyone finds out.
I've heard that Pakistan has brothels as well, they're just not talked about. I've also read that these Lollywood film stars can be called for a night for the right price by various politicians.
Blue Oasis
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SALL said:
i didnt take u wrong jia,,, just tried to understand it,, aur mera khyal mujhe samajh aa gai k aap kya kehna chahti hein,,
AGREE dolly...
burai brothels or prost mei nahi hai (it doeesnt mean they r 'clean'),, they r just consequence of that evil present in our society,, agar yeh log reason hein to phir rape/child abusing k case itne kyun hote hein,,, i know this issue s been hidden for so long,,, im not saying k yeh pb sirf pak ka hai,, it happens all over the world,,, par hamare han no one talks abt it,,, child kidnapping cases kitne hote hein hamare han,, does anyone know woh bache kahan jate hein,, ohh yeh bheek mangwana and bla bla,, but is that the only reason ?????? little kids abused by their fam members,, teachers, molvis.... now dont say k galti bachon ki hai,,, duhhhhhhh
Oh no prob SALL I should have made my point clearer to begin with
Of course galti bachon ki nahi hai! Children are innocent it's the sadist in society who are to blame. So much happens on the streets to children who have no protection, and in the home to unfortunatly. Did you know 1 in every 4 women has been molested at one point in her life or another! And it is 1 in every 8 males, but they predict the figure is higher because men don't speak up like women do.
Dolly is right, mothers should never trust their children alone with anyone. Better safe than sorry.
Blue Oasis
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I should say my Fiance but alas the truth is that sapnoo ma sirf ajeeb events miltahai....okay maybe I do see him sometimes but it's as him handing me books or talking about saving the rainforest. As noble as those things are they are hardly romantic!
Blue Oasis
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Turipti_is_Bk said:
Jia u'v also got a cool logo!! very diffrent
Thanks Turipti! I changed my logo a few times before settling for this one, and I'm sure I will change it again lol. Yours is so cute! Is it a Final Fantasy girl??? So many of you like the FF theam I'm going to have to put up my fav pic of Rinoa as well!
Thanks again to everyone's who welcomed me, I was a little worried about your reaction to me after my first few posts in the Serious Corner and Freedom of Speech. But obviously you people are mature as well as nice!
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
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It's a shame "Friends" are finished now with no more new episoids, but the show "Joey" looks good, I can't wait to watch that.
Oh and as far as Hollywood couples go, I think Brad and Jennifer stayed togther well over their relationship expiration period. When they were married I remember Brad saying that who knows what tomarrow would bring but for now he loved her and they wanted to be togther. Maybe they were both expecting not to be married forever. How sad.
Blue Oasis
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Open Water was good imo... sup karobi
I like my movies to have a happy ending! Real life is bleak enough you know. When that movie finished everybody in the theater came out complaining about it. Of course the "JAWS" films were better hands down.
Oh! "Gangsta MD" is coming out (or is it out?) which looks like a complete copy of "Munna Bai MBBS!! good, about time the west took inspiration from Bollywood instead of the other way around lol
Blue Oasis
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Me again, I forgot to mention that my last two posts are in no way indended to Offend anyone, and if any offence was taken I am sorry. I'm not here for religious debate really, but I wanted to share with you a site which tackles the problems of that debate.
Blue Oasis
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SALL said:
hmmm,, historical facts dekhe ja'ain to sog sirf Shahadat ka nahi hai,,, sog hai uss massacre ka,, lekin uss se bhi zyada sog hai apni bad-kismati aur kam-himmati ka
par khair,,, jo bhi hai galt hai,, galti ki maafi mangne se pehle uss ki talafi ki jati hai hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
mujhay iss massacre ki samajh nahi aati hai, aik taraf tu kehtay hain kay Hazrat Hussain nay Deen ki sarbulandi kay liye apni jaan de di aur doori taraf sog manatay hain kay kyun de di. Kia ghalat kaam kar dya tha unhoon nay, shadat ki tu har moumin ki tamanna hoti hai aur agar mil gae hai tu rotay hain. waisay you should note it Hazrat Usman ki shahadat bhi kisi aik massacre hi tha.
In later years when Syed Sajad AS (Hussain AS only surviving son) was asked what the greatest suffering was that he faced in Karbala he replied it wasn't the Shahadats, it was the treatment of the women and children afterwards on Shame-Gareeba and the events Damasscus.
The Quran teaches us about the respect for Hijab and the proper treatment of orphans. Agree? Well the orphan of Hasrat Hussain, Bibi Sakina was mistreated after her father's shahadat and the hijab of her aunts and mother were torn away by Yazid's men.
Yazid's general Shamir comanded his army to loot the camps where her and the ladies resided, mourning the loss of the sons, brothers, nephews and father. They set fire to the camps, tore away their hijabs and when Bibi Sakina refused to give Shimir the earings her father had gifted her, he tore the earings off along with her tiny earlobes and slapped her.
The mourning is for the INJUSTICE and the loss the women faced of the men of their family. More than anything the mourning is for the fact that these people sacrified so much for our Islam and not all of us make the most of our deen.
Blue Oasis
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I gave the link to that website and not one which had just information on Shias/Karbala/Maharram etc because that site deals with the questions you have asked ZEESHANAHMED, e.g. why mourn?
1 billion PEOPLE (not Shias and not just MUSLIMS) each year mourn on the 10th of Muharram. That is more than any amount of people who mourn for the other great tragedies in history (WW1/WW2 etc)
Every muslim regardless of what 'semi-label' of a group they have mourn on Ashura I have seen Christians break into tears on hearing the events of Karbala.
These labels my brothers and sisters, of Shia and Sunni do nothing but put divides between Muslims. And FYI both practicing Shias and Sunnis mourn during Muhharam.
I refuse to ever label myself with them! I'm a Muslim who loves the Prophet and his family and that's good enough for me.
Anyone with the love of the Prophet and his Ahlul Baiyt should commemorate the 10th of Muharram. This mourning is a purely personal devotion and shouldn't label you for anything.
By the way before anyone makes any comments on any religious group, they should check their facts and make sure what they are saying about someone is something that that group actually believes and practices.
Blue Oasis
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Oh gosh you have misunderstood me. The points in my previous post are NOT PERSONAL. I said that straight away to avoid any kind of accusations lol Of course it wasn't what a practising Muslim would think because I wasn't talking about a Muslim mind. I was only sharing another reality, not MY beliefs!
But never mind about that maybe I should have made the point more clear.
For a non-Muslim society in the UK prostitution is also considered wrong, but not because of moral decay (like Muslims view point is) but because of the health and safety problems it causes.
Safety of the call-girls hanging around the corner, alone and vulnerable. Safety of the public because of AIDS and SDs VDs transmitted by unprotected sex with countless partners.
Okay look, we as Muslims know it is wrong because of the teachings of the Quran, but the how do you tackle the problem in the West with non-Muslims?
Answer, the UK government has 'state registered' brothels where the health and safety of the prostitutes are looked after. For them that is the solution to keep the streets safe.
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
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One of the worst movies I saw last year was "Open water" how depressing! I go to the cinema to be entertained - not traumatised lol "The Grudge" was also just this side of disturbing >.<
Good movies were “School of Rock.” Though when I rented the dvd I remembered it be more funny when I saw it first time around. “Spiderman 2” was also brilliant – even though I was tricked to seeing it (I thought I was being taken to see Harry Potter 3 ) but no complain I am a die-hard Spidy fan!
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
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Warning! For mature audiances only!
Personally I am against prostitution, but look at it from a western perspective and you may begin to realise why it has been around for so long.
Imagine this scenario;
A man is in the mood, he has no body to engage in intercourse with either because he isn't attractive or simply doesn't have a girlfriend. Now he's desperate, he goes out for a walk and sees a women walking alone. He approaches her, takes her into a back ally, and rapes her.
In the UK a study carried out in the early 90's showed that when asked men if they would rape, if they could get away with it, 74% of the men in the study said "yes"
What if this women being raped was a boy? The group most vulnerable to a sexual harassment attack are boys aged 11 to 16!
Okay now say if this man had a place to go where his needs could be taken care of, i.e. a brothel, it would keep the streets safer. That's why it's joked that prostitution is a public service because it's like a "pervert prevention duty"
tch I don't know, it's wrong on principle, but not everyone has the same principles *shrugs*